Which channel do you use most often? Which keeps you interested? And most of all which channel deserves that number one spot?
5. Photo Channel
A very amusing channel that lets you view photographs and listen to mp3's saved to your SD card. It also lets you draw on, mess around with, and make puzzles out of them. It's perfect for showing off pictures to friends and family and even lets you listen to mp3's while watching a slideshow. And best of all it's pre-installed into your Wii so those with out a wireless Internet connection can still enjoy it!
4. Internet channel
The recently released and free until June final version of the Internet chanel made great improvements over the Trial version. Although not perfect for reading text, this channel is great for showing Youtube videos or similar content to your friends. It's also handy if you just need to check your e-mail or something but don't want to start your computer.
3. Mii Channel
Mii's are cartoon charicatures of whatever you want. When you first bought you Wii one of the first things you probably did was make a Mii of yourself. I know I did. Some people will complain that there is not enough custimization but hopefully Nintendo will address that by releasing some kind of update. And with the upcoming Mii Popularity channel, the Mii Channel will see increased use.
2. Wii Shop Channel
Without the Wii Shop channel, we wouldn't be able to download our favourite classics from the past. Wii Points would be useless and the Wii would lose one of it's best selling points: the Virtual Console. Also, according to Nintendo, original games are going to be released on this channel.
1. Disc channel
How expected. Of course this was going to take first spot. And the Wii knows this too by making you unable to move it from it's first channel space. Remeber the first time the two discs disappeared to be replaced by the Wii Sports logo. And this channel will undoubtedly play host to many classics to come.
Feel free to post a comment on what you feel should and should not be on the list.