Now why, seeing as these games are readily available for other consoles, would the Wii versions be more violent?
Well, I’ll use The Godfather: Blackhand edition as an example. On the other consoles, to swing a punch, you simply press a button, whereas an the Wii you actually swing a punch. Which feels more realistic? Obviously the latter. When I was playing the game, I actually felt a tinge of guilt when I “convinced” the shopkeeper to pay up. In a different situation, I strangled a man to death by actually making a strangling motion with my hands. Imagine a game where you have a chainsaw. Imagine cutting someone’s head off while hearing the sound of ripping flesh next to your ear through the controllers speaker. The possibilities are endless.
So perhaps, with the arrival of the Wii, we are witnessing the departure of the kiddy stigma that has been attached to the Nintendo brand for years.
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